A talk by Specialist Physiotherapist, Hippotherapist and ACPEA member, Jo McMeechan, as part of a series of talks titled 'Holistic Rehabilitation: Exploring Therapies as Catalysts for Change'.
Hosted by BABICM (British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management), this four part webinar series aims to explore different holistic rehabilitation approaches. This series aims to provide delegates with the knowledge to be confident in the need to appropriately source rehabilitation professionals to best meet their clients’ needs.
Week 3 is focused on Hippotherapy and Equine Facilitated Learning.
22 November 2023 11.00-12.00
Jo McMeechan of Therapy Toolkit HQ will present session three, focusing on Hippotherapy and Equine Facilitated Learning for both adults and children. In this informative presentation, attendees will learn more about this type of approach and the clinical reasoning underpinning its application. Using case studies, Jo will bring to life the application of this innovative approach, also advising where the appropriately trained therapists can be sourced.
Find out more about Jo and her work here.
And more about this webinar series via the BABICM website here.
Other topics in this series include:
Week 1 - 8 November 2023 11.00-12.00.
An introduction to Art Psychotherapy and Dramatherapy with Dan Thomas from Chroma.
Week 2 - 15 November 2023 11.00-12.00.
Liz Williamson & Hayley Soper of The Speech Group use case studies to illustrate how Cognitive Communication Disorder can impact on clients’ functional wellbeing and consider activities, both group and individual, that may be explored to optimally treat.
Week 4 - 29 November 2023 11.00-12.00
Rebecca McManamon of Urban Dietitian will present the final part of this webinar series. She will explore medical nutrition therapy for complex adult clients across a range of diagnoses including brain injury, spinal cord injury and orthopaedics.
Find out more or sign up to attend direct on the BABICM website here.