PPE Guidance for Hippotherapy
PPE Guidance for Physiotherapists Practicing Hippotherapy
Some of you are slowly starting back either working in RDA groups or independently now that we are gradually coming out of lockdown. It is important to remember that the CSP and PHE have not changed their advice regarding PPE and Covid-19 protocols. There has been one slight change which is that there is no need for a virtual “clinical” triage if a client requests F2F treatment, otherwise we must continue with Covid risk assessments etc.
Remember we are delivering a Therapy session, using a horse often outside, but we must continue to abide by our professional body rules and regulation when delivering therapy wherever you practice.
Please see https://www.csp.org.uk/news/coronavirus/clinical-guidance/remote-or-face-face-consultations or have a look at the Physio First Facebook page and as they have put up a bulletin regarding the change and you can read questions and comments.